The Beginning Of Another Day In Howden, Home Of Bluesky Cards & Gifts And Ravissante Lingerie.

We have added a few new lines to our already popular collection of lingerie, teen starter bras and sports bras are now becoming even more popular, maternity and feeding bras are an increasingly essential part of our collections and we are steadily building on our supply on the post-surgery range. Swimwear for that long overdue holiday is now part of the core stock and we have a small range of clothing from the beautiful Brakeburn collections now available to view, try and order. Come along to see what we have in store.

Another important little snipped of information for you all is that we participate in the “AGAINST BREAST CANCER Bra Bank” facility. Rather than just throwing away your old and unused bras, please drop them off at our shop. Collected from us, they will then be forwarded to small businesses across Africa and sold at an affordable price. This in turn raises vital funds for research into secondary spread breast cancer.